At SOKOL & MAZIAN, we promise to provide prompt and reliable service to our clients for reasonable and competitive fees.
Established in 1979 in Orland Park, IL, we have served Chicago’s southwest suburbs for over 40 years. We consistently offer high-quality, reliable, and attentive legal services in several areas.
We work closely with our well-trained, experienced legal secretaries to provide our clients with a clear explanation of procedures and a personalized, prompt, and efficient experience.
At all times, we practice transparency with our clients. We keep no secrets and offer honest and frank evaluations.
Our approach to communication is a significant benefit to our clients in that it allows them to consider all information, pros, and cons, before making an informed decision about what is in their best interest.
This approach has helped us overturn numerous clients’ SSDI or SSI denials, effectively and timely complete the probate process, and efficiently close difficult real estate transactions.